Saturday, 18 April 2015


I set my alarm for 2am & was at a below zero Loch Garten by 5:30 am for 'Caperwatch'. Despite it being crystal clear all the way up it was foggy at Loch Garten which doesn't help when your looking for Capercaillie. In my experience the best is a disappointingly distant view of a single male but today I didn't even manage that. One of the remote cameras did find a male Capercaillie but that was as good as it got. A singing Redstart & a Red Squirrel was about all there was to keep away the cold.

Tulloch Moor wasn't a great deal better but at least the fog had cleared and it was now above zero. A single male Black Grouse showed quite well on the ridge and a few others were calling but there was no sign of any concerted lekking.

Abernethy Forest was a bit more rewarding with good views of Crested Tit and flyover Crossbill sp.

Next stop was Lochindorb where at least the camera came out the bag:

Osprey - several seen fishing over the loch

Lots of Red Grouse were present

I also suspected a Juvenile Rough Legged Buzzard but it would need to go down as a maybe.

Final stop was the Findhorn Valley which was a dead loss for raptors. However I did see my first Wheatear, Common Sand & Dipper for the year.

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