Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Better Weather & Things that go Bump in the Night

After a hearty meal in the Marine Bar in Hunstanton and a few Strongbows (1 step up from Merrydown) I had a good night sleep in my 'haunted' B&B. The landlady commented that the door closer made some 'funny noises' but I was completely unprepared for the "scream" at 2am. It appeared to come from the bottom of the bed and I assumed it was the door closer and being so tired quickly fell back to sleep.

Next morning dawned sunny if a tad windy, but that soon abated to leave a glorious day if still a touch cool. My destination was Cley via another failed attempt for 'funny' Pheasant at Wolferton. Plenty of Chinese Water Deer however.

Cley was as usual a pleasure. Spoonbill on Bishop Marsh was the first 'goody'- more goodies tomorow. There were oodles of Swifts and smaller numbers of House Martin & Swallow. I had heard a Whitethroat from the road down through Blakeney but had my first proper look at Cley. I tried to photograph a singing male but it's a bit far away:

Avocet in the sunshine


A Cetti's warbler was singing close to Dawkes hide and showed comparatively well for that species.

Marsh Harriers were much in evidence frequently quartering the marsh and a few Little Egrets were seen:

Little Egret - don't see this evey day at home.

Heading back round towards the VC, Bearded Tits were "pinging" and 1 male was seen reasonably well in flight.

Round on the East Bank my first Sandwich Terns of the year were seen. At least 2 Little Terns were off the shingle bank as well as lots of bloody wind turbines that are now completely spoiling the view. At least 5 Wheatear also present in this area.

Turning for 'home' the visitor centre beckoned me with cake and coffee but not before a Hobby flew through. After cake and coffee I headed back to Dawkes hide where there were 4 1s Summer Litle Gulls hawking insects:

At 5pm I headed up to Salthouse Heath in the hope of Nightingale, Turtle Dove & Wood Lark. A singing Garden Warbler was about the best I could muster.

Back at the B&B I did not sleep particularly well ! At midnight I awoke with cramp and spent some time walking round the room trying to get rid of it. Next I woke with indigestion and to what sounded like a bee buzzing on the window. I drew back the blinds and could see no bee. The sound stopped and there was no sign of a bee in the morning. Then of course there was the obligatory "scream", this time at 4am. I was finding the room a bit uneasy and decided to go out to Titchwell at 6am. Now I suppose the "scream"was the door closure and the bee was the radiators cooling and the cramp was walking round Cley and the indigestion was the previous evening's steak and mushroom pie. But there again maybe I should phone Yvette Fielding just in case ? 

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