Saturday, 12 November 2011

A Pleasant Late Autumn Afternoon

On what was a very bright and dry early winter day, I took the new DSLR up to Cathkin to attempt some shots of the woodland. I am slowly beginning to learn about some of the camera's functionality and am keen to put some of it into practice. I have been learning that the camera has several focus points and if you don't tell it where you want it to focus it is likely to pick the nearest point. I also learned a bit about exposure lock, that basically means taking an exposure reading from a small area of the scene, locking it, recomposing the scene without the camera being able to adjust its exposure again. Basically, I am on a very steep learning curve !

 Whilst blundering about with the camera a Crossbill flew over calling.

Also today at least 2 Fieldfare and only 1 Snipe seen at the marsh. I still need Jack Snipe for the year. should get it between now and 31 December.

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