Saturday 18 August 2012

On Twitching a Chiff !!!!

I haven't had a lifer yet in 2012. Not that  I'm desperate, but news of a possible Eastern Ollie in Fife yesterday evening had me through at Kilminning for 8:30am. The bird in question showed well on an off & indeed very well between 12 and 1pm.

My view was that it was an interesting bird. Very scabby, particularly around the head. Did it remind me of the birds I saw in Greece last year ? Maybe the head shape was not flat enough. Basically, I am no where near competent enough to comment. The experts present were obviously not sure either, although the id as Eastern Olivaceous Warbler seemed favourite. I am however gobsmacked this evening that it has been 'formally' identified as a Chiffchaff!!!!!!???????? I thought they had dark legs. On reviewing some of my photographs there are some yellowish tones which I don't think are good news for Eastern Ollie. Head shape looks wrong too.

Eastern Ollie Chiffchaff

Eastern Ollie Chiffchaff

A lot of the feathering has been lost around the face which probably makes the bill look long. It looks quite grey. Tail pumping was a noticeable feature. Legs are pale, unlike Chiffchaff, but some individuals Chiffchaffs do apparently show this feature.

So I suppose I still haven't had a tick in 2012 & it was a wasted day ? From the point of adding species to a list yes. But overall I enjoyed the day out and at least 3 Whimbrel off Fife Ness in the afternoon was good. Other birds of interest in a 2 hour sea watch were Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Guillemot, Razorbill & Knot. There was no sign of the reported Barred Warbler at Fife Ness Muir so I wasted some time trying to photographing a Small Tort on Buddlia.

Small Tortoiseshell

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