Sunday, 29 April 2018


Saw my 1st Sand Martin of the year in with Swallows that were obviously flying through. 2 Wheatears, Sedge Warbler in the scrubby areas around the pond.

At least 3 Great Crested Grebe nests now occupied.

A fly over Raven was a bit of a surprise.

Saturday, 28 April 2018


Quick walk out to the sand dunes produced singing Sedge Warbler at the Marl Loch, 1 Wheatear and quite a few singing Willow Warblers.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Skateraw to Barns Ness

By far the warmest day of the year so far provided the perfect setting.

The first bird I saw at Skateraw was a Wheatear. This is a bird I incredibly failed to see at all last year.

My first Sandwich Terns of the year were offshore & I my first Whitethroat was in sub song in the dry burn area. A Whimbrel called from the shoreline.

The seaweed area was positively full of Wagtails. Mainly White Wagtails, some Pied & 1 Yellow.

This Meadow Pipit also posed nicely:

I finished the day at Musselburgh failing to see any of the rare Scoters. 4 Long Tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, several Razorbills & Kittiwake were about the best.