Saturday, 30 November 2013

Year Ticking

I managed to fill 2 gaping holes in my year list today.

At Turnberry, I finally caught up with Purple Sandpiper and at Rouken Glen I had great views of a Dipper. The only remaining 'gimme' now is Tawny Owl. Must hear one soon !

Sunday, 24 November 2013


I was casually watching the garden birds from the sun room window this morning when I noticed a large bird fly in the direction of the house. Obviously a wader, it banked against the houses on the opposite side of the road at which stage I was able to identify it as a Woodcock. It gained height and disappeared over the rooftops. Not only was this a garden tick but it was also a very welcome year tick.

Around lunchtime I took a trip up to the Heritage Loch. The loch was frozen in places and had good numbers of Herring Gulls and a couple of Greater Black Backs. A female Pochard was about the best duck and there were 40 Lapwing on the ice.

After that I did Cathkin Marsh where 2 Stonechat were present. As well as this, a Water Rail was squealing and there were some Fieldfare around. Close to the car park there was a Yellowhammer, and a few rather confiding Reed Buntings.

Female Reed Bunting

Everything scattered as a Sparrowhawk went through.

Sunday, 17 November 2013


I kind of thought I had been in Dumfries & Galloway quite a lot this year but nonetheless this was my first visit to Caerlaverock.

Weather started off reasonable bright but soon got misty and then the rain started. In truth it was a pretty grotty November day. The new Peter Scott hide is a huge improvement on its predecessor especially since you can open up the windows in the tower for photography. Not that that was particularly easy today in the gloom.

Peter Scott Tower through the gloom

A drake Green Winged Teal has been around for weeks but it took me until after lunch to find it. Eventually, it showed very well.

Green Winged Teal

Teal for comparison

Distant raptors with nothing to size them against are not easy, particularly when you don't see them very often, but I think this is a female Merlin. It's going on my year list anyway. If anybody thinks otherwise please let me know & I might have to take it off.

Merlin - I think ?

Otherwise there were a few Barnacles to look at....

Just good to be outside enjoying the riches that Scotland has to offer.