Saturday, 19 October 2013

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Scilly Day 8

The boat was not until 4:30 and so there was still some time to explore including at Carreg Dhu Gardens:

A guilty looking Blackbird on the apples



and at Carn Friars where I found this Lapland Bunting:

Lapland Bunting

The boat to Penzance produced lots of Gannets and a few Kittiwakes and nearing Lands End at least one probable Balearic Shearwater.

Nearing the mainland

Friday, 11 October 2013

Scilly Day 7

My holiday was coming to an end with this being my last full day. Whilst it will not go down in the memory as one of the classic autumns, it was just good to be down here. In a way however, Scilly has lost some of its magic and although it continues to produce some good birds the dearth of common birds is more and more evident with every passing year. I'm not sure what the causes are but it is a bit depressing.

Wheatears were however present in good numbers this year - bucking the trend

Anyway with the winds veering into the north east it encouraged a good passage of Redwings and some Fieldfares. A very showy Snow Bunting on Peninnis sent my camera racing:

After that I walked round the north east side of St Mary's and captured some of the views looking out towards Tresco & St Martin's:

and around Porth Hellick:

Whilst at Porth Hellick a Jack Snipe showed very well from the Stephen Sussex hide:

Jack Snipe

and finally St Mary's Harbour:

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Scilly Day 6

At £8.40 a boat ride I had vowed not to travel unnecessarily however with very little on St Mary's and the likelihood of a Sora Rail on Tresco one felt compelled.

Sora Rail

With patience the Sora showed quite well.

Best of the rest included Juvenile Garganey, Water Rail, Black Tailed Godwit and Yellow Browed Warbler.

Stonechats were also quite obliging:

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Scilly Day 5

Another quiet day with little to excite.

I relocated the Wryneck below the golf course, found another Yellow Browed at Trenowith and had 2 Ravens near Telegraph.

Breaking news of a Sora on Tresco would hopefully enliven tomorrow.

Telegraph - well you kind of knew that

Amazing flora

Amazing scenery

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Scilly Day 4

After 3 days of searching on Mary's, it was time for an off island. Based on yesterday's new Bryher appeared to have most to offer.

The Hell Bay Hotel seemed the best place to begin, no I hadn't suddenly become a millionaire, but rather scan its roof tops for a juv RC Starling. Lots of Starlings but no 'washed out' looking ones. My attention was drawn momentarily to Hell Bay where 2 Little Stints & a Curlew Sand were showing but soon it was back to roof top duty.

Again no sign of the bird so a walk around seemed in order and I even found myself a Yellow Browed:

A self found Yellow Browed Warbler

I had almost given up on the Rose Coloured Starling when I suddenly blundered into it on the hill above Hell Bay with lots of other Starlings. Probably where I should have been looking all the time.

Round at Fraggle Rock a Whinchat was near the Campsite. A Rosefinch had also been seen close to the cafe, but it eluded me.

6 Common Scoter from the boat were noteworthy.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Scilly Day 3

Birding was quiet today with little about.

A walk through Old Town churchyard provided a Spotted Flycatcher.

The airport produced 2 Lapland Buntings and lots of Wheatears but no sign of yesterdays Short Toed Lark. When there are no birds you can always photograph the aircraft:

Skybus on its way to Lands End

Porth Hellick produced 3 Common Snipe and a Kingfisher and Old Town Bay 3 Golden Plover:

Well camouflaged Goldies 

Another Jack Snipe at Lower Moors completed the day. Time for a change of island me thinks.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Scilly Day 2

Full of enthusiasm I was out on Peninnis at first light. I was rewarded with flight views of the juvenile Purple Heron that has been around for at least a week now but little else.

Peninnis Head looking east

A Scilly morning sky

After breakfast I spent about 50 minutes at Shooters Pool in search of Spotted Crake. No joy but Water Rail and Sedge Warbler were notable:

Sedge Warbler in typical habitat

From the ISBG hide I had better luck with both Purple Heron and a showy Bluethroat:


A self found Firecrest on the Garrison was nice and I got both Pied Fly and Reed Warbler here also.

Old Town churchyard provided an RB Fly, Pied Fly and Lesser Whitethroat.

The day was rounded off nicely when the Spotted Crake showed well id briefly on Shooters Pool.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Scilly Day 1

The Scillonian sailed at 09:45 on a mercifully calm sea. Interesting sea birds were in short supply but several Shearwater were seen some of which may have been Balearic. Cetaceans were represented by both Harbour Porpoise & Common Dolphins.

Peninnis Head Lighthouse - greets you on arrival

After dropping off the bags it was up to Newford Duck Pond for an elusive Arctic Warbler. I saw it fairly well but photographing it was a slightly different matter:

Spot the bird

A Jack Snipe into the sun in the late afternoon was a year tick. A couple of Cornish Ratlers in the Bishop & Wolf and it was off to bed for an early night.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Journey to Scilly

I was off to Scilly today, the downside was that 550 miles lay in front of me.

By 1pm I was at Martin Mere in Lancashire enjoying a Little Stint as well as thousands of newly arrived Pink Footed Geese:

3 Marsh Harrier enlivened a dull afternoon and I attempted to digiscope Snipe from one of the hides:

By 2 am I was in Penzance and looking forward to sailing to St Mary's in the morning.