Sunday, 21 April 2013

Strathclyde Loch

Did a walk with Patricia along the Crest Road late morning in the hope that the Little Gull or even an Arctic Tern might still be present. It was not to be.

Plenty of Sand Martin, a few Swallows and singing Willow Warblers. I also suspected some White Wagtails but they were in flight over the other side of the loch so I couldn't be sure.

Unfortunately not today !

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Lesser Scaup

It has finally got warm enough to leave the house and start Spring birding. A balmy 15 degrees this pm!

Bound to be some Sand Martin about, how about down Greenock way and a chance to snigger at some Morton supporters.

Real reason for heading that way was to see the Drake Lesser Scaup that has been at Auchendores Reservoir for months. The presumed bird showed immediately albeit miles away with Tufted Duck. I say immediately, it did take me at least half an hour to find the reservoir ! A few Sand Martin proved that Spring had arrived.

After jamming in on the Yank, I walked along the litter strewn Clyde at Port Glasgow :

Birds included 1 Summer plumage Slavonian Grebe, 2 Red Throated Diver, Eider, Merganser, 1 Razorbill and 3 Sandwich Tern.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Grand Designs

Work has been progressing well at Chateau H on the new Sun Room/Bird Photography Area:

Saturday, 6 April 2013


Weather today looked good for attempting to see displaying Goshawks at Kielder.

Within minutes of starting to scan I had one in the sky over the trees. Saw several fairly well after that too. In truth that was about all I saw of any great interest. Several Goldeneye, Goosander, Teal and Canada Goose on the lake. A single Chiffchaff but unlike 2 years ago no Crossbill. Nice place though: