Friday, 15 February 2013

Loch Ken

Lots of action around the feeders today. Only Willow Tit eluded the camera although I saw & heard several well. Also of note today were c25 Greenland Whitefronted Geese close to the car park and Jay. Good numbers of Kites, especially around the feeding area.

Greenland Whitefronts

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Rain in the Valley, Snow in the Hills

Despite warnings of snow, all it has done so far in Cambuslang is rain. Not so up in EK where it was definitely snowing making my walk round Heritage Loch this morning a bit of a challenge.

Still nothing of real interest. 37 Tufted, 33 Lapwings & 1 Little Grebe were logged.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Day in The Kingdom

Original intention was to do Loch Leven & then head over to Kirkcaldy for the Raith game. However, a 10:30 pitch inspection & subsequent postponement meant I spent the whole day birding.

Loch Leven in the morning provided a female Smew and a Brambling and not much else. By late afternoon 2 Short Eared Owls quartering St Serfs Island was my first for several years.

In between, a high tide,light winds and no sun made looking west from Ruddens Point ideal. The Drake Surf Scoter showed fairly close in. There was also 1 Red Necked Grebe, both Velvet & Common Scoter, Long Tailed Duck and Slav Grebe. A wader roost on the small island in Shell Bay included Grey Plover, Bar Tailed Godwit, Knot & Sanderling.