Sunday, 22 November 2009

22 November 09 Barons Haugh

After several days of heavy rain the Haugh resembled a large loch with all of the islands and several of the hides under water. C25 Grey Lag Geese flew over low towards Carbarns.

The Causeway Hide

Small numbers of Wigeon, Teal & Gadwall remained despite the high water. There were also a few Tufted Duck, Pochard & Goldeneye.
A large party of Redwing with some Fieldfares flew from adjacient fields. Small numbers of Siskin were heard together with Goldcrest, Treecreeper & Long Tailed Tits. A single Buzzard circled overhead.

Some Wigeon remained.
Cormorants on the raft.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

15 November 09 Lochmaben

After yesterday's heavy rain, that was particularly bad in Dumfries & Galloway, the boardwalk to the hide at the south west end of the Castle Loch was submerged. A Kingfisher however, gave good views and small parties of both Siskin & Redpoll were evident. A Red Squirrel showed well close to the car park.

A female Long Tailed Duck showed from the hide and there was a good selection of wildfowl including plently of Tufted Duck & Goldeneye. A large flock of Greylag Geese were on the loch together with smaller numbers of Canada Geese.

Drake Gadwall on Castle Loch.

Female Long Tailed Duck from the hide.

There are several other smaller lochs in the Lochmaben area & Kirk Loch had been hosting a drake American Wigeon for over a month. True to form it was there showing distantly, & mostly asleep with its European counterparts.

Yankee Wigeon (always distant).

A sprawk was also seen adjacient to Kirk Loch.
In the afternoon I went back to the Castle Loch in the hope of seeing Willow Tit & Nuthatch but saw neither. There were some Pochard & 3 Great Crested Grebe. A Jay was seen from the car on the way home.

14 Nov 09 Musselburgh Wader Scrapes

My last (an 1st) Wilson's Phalarope was in Norfolk on 03 July 1983 some 26 years ago !!!

News of one in East Lothian & me with some time on my hands on a rainy Saturday afternoon in November persuaded me to go and have a look at it.

The right hand hide was rather crowded when I arrived and it took some time for me to even see out of the hide never mind see the bird. However, eventually I did, it showed well for several minutes. Attempts at photography however, proved fruitlesss as soon it flew off high to the west with 2 Redshank.

BH Gulls on the scrape were easier to photopgraph than the phalarope:

Sunday, 8 November 2009

08 November 09 Tyningham & Belhaven Bay

A bright crisp day in East Lothian with absolutely no wind.
A sizeable mixed flock of Linnet & Greenfinch were on the eastern end of the saltmarsh with a couple of Reed Buntings and probably some Yellowhammers.
3 confiding Snow Bunting were on the beach and a possible 4th was seen in flight over Spike Island. There was up to 100 Twite on the western saltmarsh. A flock of c40 Pink Feet went over and 1 Greenshank and several Grey Plover were the pick of the waders on the estuary.
The juvenile Baird's Sand was reported as still present mid afternoon & I found it in fading light on the short grassy area above the mud flats.
1 of 3 Snow Buntings on the beach.

Some of the Twite flock.

Stonechat against the sky.

Juv Baird's ....honest !

Saturday, 7 November 2009

07 November 09 Barons Haugh

Spent c2 1/2 hours in the Causeway Hide with just me & the ducks. Hardly saw a sole on a still dry mid afternoon in decent November light.
18 Lapwing flew over & several parties of Redwing "seeeped" and Siskins & Redpolls called to announce their presence.

c25 Goldeneye & lots of Teal & Mallard. Small numbers of Wigeon & 1 Pochard. A single Buzzard was on the top of a bush on the far side. A Water Rail squealed from cover.
Lots of Teal around today.

Drake Goldeneye 1 of c 25 present.

2 Mute Swans.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

04 Nov 09 Aberlady

A Red Rumped Swallow had been reported just south of Aberlady the previous afternoon & despite thinking that it would disappear overnight I took all my gear to work just in case. This proved to be wise as it was still reported as "showing well" at 8:30am next morning.

I 'slipped' away from work by midday & with clear roads I was on site by 1:30 pm. No sign but it had been seen about half an hour earlier. Soon a Swallow was reported over adjacient farm buildings c 1 mile away. Infact there were 2 "Swallows" but just silhouettes against the sky and distant. Closer approachs proved equally inconclusive until about 3pm when the bird banked against the sun and showed a very obvious pale rump & collar. It showed reasonably well for c10 mins.

25 October 09 Trow Quarry & Saltholme Pools

News of an Eastern Crowned Warbler, a 1st for Britain, broke late on Thursday 22nd October but given work commitments on the Friday & a previous promise to take the kids shopping on the Saturday meant that the Sunday was my only option to see this bird.

The weather on the Saturday evening looked clear on the east coast with a strong wind coming from the west. Good conditions for the bird going overnight I thought !

Dawn on the Sunday found about 500 birders looking into a small quarry with several sycamores & a few elders which aside from a couple of Blackbirds & a Dunnock was completely birdless. It quickly became fairly obvious thay the quarry in the quarry had gone together with its accompanying Yellow Browed. I had well and truly dipped !

I carried on about 45 mins down the road to Saltholme Pools with its new state of the art visitor's centre set amongst industrial Teeside. Views from the hide overlooking Back Saltholme Pools were impressive & included several hundred Golden Plover & Lapwing on the saltmarsh. Their uneasyness suggesting that danger was not far off and the appearance of a female Merlin confirmed this.

A Slav Grebe was an unusual visitor & 3 Goldeneye had just joined for the winter.

In the afternoon I went round to the pools that can be seen from the road and saw the eclipse drake Blue Winged Teal that had been there since September although there wqas no sign of the Pec Sand.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

16 October 09 St Marys

The last day & in case there was something to be seen on another island it was thought best to stay on Marys where we could get a boat easier should the need arise.

All in all the day was pretty tedious, with another view of the Wryneck just below the airport & a Jack Snipe at Porthellick being the highlights.

A wait near Longstones failed to secure the Radde's Warbler & a similar wait behind Porthloo duck pond also failed to secure the Rosefinch.

15 October 09 St Agnes

Yesterdays report of a Melodious Warbler in the Chapel Fields area prompted a trip to Aggy & myself & Andy spent about an hour checking out its last reported location. Rumours of it being dodgy were further fuelled by a no show.

Dunlin, Lapwing & Juv Curlew Sand from Pergilis were all added to the trip list & 3 Flycatchers, Spotted; Pied & RB were all seen in the Parsonage.

A 1st winter Med Gull was seen from the boat on the way back.

14 October 09 Bryher & St Marys

In what was increasingly looking like being a quiet week any new bird was a bonus & 2 Shelduck off Samson fell into that category.

Bryher appeared promising in that there were a fair number of Redwing on the move and several Wheatears and Meadow Pipits flitted around.

2 Sparrowhawks were seen, another great view of a Peregrine was had & then news that the Richard's Pipit had been refound near Hell Bay. It showed well briefly & just as I was setting up the camera it flew uttering a characteristic loud "Shreep" almost Sparrow like call.

4 Spoonbill showed very close on Green Island from the boat & back on Marys a Black Redstart was seen at Porth Thomas & a Peregrine was plucking prey on Taylors Island.

13 October 09 St Marys

A Fieldfare was "chacking" from a tree above Lower Broom & a Yellow Browed Warbler showed reasonably well. A Whimbrel could be heard calling from Porthcressa Bay.

2 Skylark were over the Garrison & several White Wags were on the football pitch. 4 Common Scoter had been reported from The Roads & although very distant I added them to my list.

Cake & coffee at Longstones coincided with a ringtail Hen Harrier going through & I wondered if this was the large bird of prey I had seen earlier on off Porthloo.

A probable Woodcock came in over Telegraph & dived into a field out of sight. There was a male Ring Ouzel at Carn Vean.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

12 October 09 St Marys

The islands were still very quiet and the organised flush of a Little Bunting at Telegraph was a complete non event. Took to photographing the Scillonian coming in between Inisidgen & Tresco:

5 Redwings over Newford confirmed that migration was still in progress but birding was still a bit of a slog. A Water Rail showed at the duck pond, a single House Martin with a party of Swallows over Maypole & a Firecrest in Holy Vale were 'highlights' mid afternoon.

Porthellick Pool held 9 Whooper Swan:

A Wryneck was seen well on the Giant's Castle and at least 1 Whinchat was close to the airfield. A Spot Fly was in a pitisporran above Porth Minnick.

11 October 09 Tresco

A Long Billed Dowitcher had been present on Tresco for some time & had been seen the previous day & a Spotted Crake had been seen over the last few days on the Abbey Pool. The boat docked at New Grimsby & we were soon looking at 7 Little Egret in the channel & a Peregrine went over.

We wandered along the south side of the Great Pool seeing nothing very much & spent some time scanning the Abbey Pool for the Dowitcher taht had not been seen. A Water Rail showed well. An adult winter Med Gull was in Pentle Bay.

Drake & female Pintail were the best ducks on the Great Pool and a Whimbrel was on the Simpson field. C6 Red Legged Partridge were in the fields adjacient to the Great Pool.
Up to 60 Gadwall present on the Great Pool

10 Oct 09 St Agnes

Catching the first helicopter from Penzance ensured that I was on St Marys before 8 am. With the islands being relatively quiet I decided to head round to Porthloo where a Med Gull had been reported. No sign of the Med Gull but a Peregrine on Taylors Island & a partial summer Barwit were of interest. Some Turnstone allowed some close photos:

The pager reported a possible Blyth's Pipit on Aggy so decided to go for it. Met Andy & Bob on the quay. The pipit was just down from Wingletang & when we got there a number of other birders were looking at a pale sandy pipit. Andy reckoned that the best way of telling Blyths was by call that sounded not dissimilar to a Yellow Wag. This bird flew and uttered a call quite unlike Yellow Wag. It was loacted again & showed well for sometime. We concluded that this was a Tawny Pipt.
A Red Throated Pipit flew over Wingletang, recognised by its characteristic drawn out "Speeeee" call. A few Wheatears were evident.
The juv Rose Coloured Starling showed well just below Coastguards & a male Blackcap was in the same area.
2 Firecrest were on Barnaby Lane & another showed in the Parsonage. A few Chiffys were present in most places.

09 Oct 09 Martin Mere

I set off from Glasgow just after dropping Louise & Rachel at school to head for Scillies. The original plan was to make a detour to Nottinghamshire to see the Steppe Grey Shrike that had been present for several days. The pager was ominously quiet & just before Carlisle it confirmed that there was no sign of the Shrike that morning. A new plan was required !

I decided to stop at Martin Mere & then in the late afternoon carry on southward.

Several thousand Pink Feet, 23,500 had been counted that morning, were present. C30 Pintail, 5 Pochard and a single Whooper Swan. C8 Tree Sparrow were seen & up to 30 Ruff were seen.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

20 September 09 Barons Haugh

Passage waders still very much in evidence at the Haugh. 3 Black Tailed Godwits & a Green Sandpiper with several hundred Lapwings.

The very low water levels have encouraged Snipe out in to the open & there were up to 20 on the exposed mud in front of the Causeway hide. The embers of summer threw up a signing Chiffchaff but all hirundines appear to have departed.

Some of the ducks now showing signs of coming out of eclipse. C 10 Shoveler with a single female/eclipse Wigeon and small numbers of Gadwall being the pick.
Lots of Snipe.
Eclipse Drake Shoveler.
Several Gadwall

Sunday, 13 September 2009

13 September 09 Aberlady Bay

The long staying Lesser Yellowlegs was showing distantly upstream from the wooden bridge and at least 100 Pink Footed Geese yelped overhead signaling that winter is not far.

The walk from the wooden bridge out to the beach is often boring and today was only brightened by flocks of Goldfinch & Linnet and the occasional Stonechat & Reed Bunting.

The sea was like a millpond and at 2 dark phase Arctic Skua were seen, one on the sea quite close in and a second rather falcon like over the sea. Several distant Red Throated Diver lines of Common Scoter. Lots of passing Gannets and occasional Sandwich Terns.

At the point there was a single Wheatear and a small flock of Knot flew past.

Late afternon 2 large skiens of Pink Footed Geese flew over the saltmarsh & a single Bar Tailed Godwit probed the mud quite close to the wooden bridge allowing some photographs.

Various images from today:
Mallard on the Marl Loch.
Distant Stonechat.

Reed Bunting
Curlew at low tide.
"Oik" at Gullane Point

Distant Common Scoters
Barwit from the toilet block

Sunday, 30 August 2009

30 Aug 09 Hogganfield Loch

A short visit on a bright Sunday morning revealed a probable juv Scaup and several Great Crested Grebes including several young birds. No sign of any Ruddy Ducks.
Close in to the car park the usual Grey Lag Geese and lots of Lesser Black Backed Gulls including lots of juveniles.
Several Little Grebe and Tufted Ducks

Saturday, 29 August 2009

29 August 09 Barons Haugh

2 Greenshank, 1 Black Tailed Godwit & 1 Common Sand from the Marsh Hide but not much else.

Round at the Causeway hide there were several hundred Lapwing on the far side, probably the same 2 Greenshank & 1 Green Sand.

Two Herons flew in scattering all the ducks including Gadwall, Teal & Shoveler. All 3 hirundines still around.

Female Kestrel on the reserve & 3 Buzzards over Strathclyde Park on the way home.

Monday, 24 August 2009

23 Aug 09 Cresswell

The adult winter Semi P had been 'rediscovered' at Cresswell in Northumberland and with it being kind of on the way home from the Bird Fair I took the opportunity of adding it to my life list.

There were several birders obviously watching something some c 1/2 mile down the beach and when I got there the Semi P was very close & easily located amongst a small mixed flock of Dunlin & Sanderling. Unfortunately, by the time I had fiddled with the camera, the flock was flushed by the incoming tide and the bird could not be located again. Although I had seen it, I had not had any time on it & really needed to see it again.

Fortunately, it had relocated to the main pond and whilst not as close as on the beach it gave good views. Very obviously smaller than Dunlin with a short straight bill. Very obvious dark central scapular feathers, no russet tones, dark cap giving it a capped effect which further set off a well defined supercillium. Some white on the lower back. Dark legs & when disturbed by the other feeding birds it would jump & the palmations could be seen between the toes.

Other birds of note were 1 pale phase Arctic Skua, several Sandwich Terns, 1 Wood Sand, 1 Ruff, 1 Greenshank, 1 Curlew Sand, Black Tailed Godwit, 1 Swift, 5-6 Yellow Wags, 1 Wheatear.

22 Aug 09 Rutland Water

Camping with the family on site at the Bird Fair offered the opportunity to do some birding at Rutland Water.

Tawny Owl & Greenshank heard during the night.

Up early on the morning of the 22nd part of the south part of the reserve was easily reachable on foot and the first birds of note were 2 Willow Tit. From the Mallard hide I was largely looking into the sun but several Ruff could be seen. Gadwall was the best duck. 1 Sedge warbler. A small party of Long tailed Tits were seen and several Willow Warblers & Chiffchaffs heard/seen.

Met Bob & Andy in one of the markees in the morning & arranged to meet up with them early afternoon for some birding round the reserve. Birds of note were lots of Great Crested Grebe, a possible Garganey, Egyptian Geese, 3 Ospreys, 3 Buzzard, 5-6 Little Egret, 6 Green Sands, 1 Common Sand, 3-4 Greenshank, Black Tailed Godwit, Ruff, 3 Common Tern, Green Woodpecker distantly in flight, Sand Martins.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

16 August 09 Barons Haugh

More water in the Haugh than last week. Several Common Sands in front of Causeway hide, at least 2 Green Sands, 1 Ringed Plover but no sign of any of the reported Ruff. Several young Pied Wagtail seen.
Ducks including Teal & Shoveler.
Water Rail heard squeeling in front of Causeway.

09 August 09 Barons Haugh

Water levels very low ! Water only in front of Causeway & Phoenix hides.

Young Water Rails frequently in the open to the left of Causeway hide. A Greenshank also there. 7 Black tailed Godwit, 1 Dunlin, 1 Ringed Plover, up to 4 Green Sands & perhaps 8-10 Common Sands, small no's of Lapwing.

Ducks in eclipse included Gadwall and also several Little Grebe. Kingfisher briefly on post in front of Phoenix hide.